The Wall Street Journal

Friday, September 18, 2009

What a surprise

U.S. states whose residents have more conservative religious beliefs on average tend to have higher rates of teenagers giving birth, a new study suggests. Link
That's because the religious folk don't teach their kids about contraception. Then when their kids experiment with sex like all other human beings, they get pregnant more often than those who have been educated, thus creating more poverty and broken families.

Educating teenagers in sexuality and birth control is the ONLY way they're going to grow up to be sexually responsible adults. If you don't teach them, they'll have more disease, children earlier in their life when they can't handle it, more children out of wedlock, and continue a cycle of ignorance and poverty.

As with most problems, education would go a long way towards solving this problem. If only so many people's religion didn't stand in the way of education.


Anonymous said...

That's funny I thought it was their schools responsibility to teach them.

Ipecac said...

Religious states tend to have more children in religious schools which don't teach sex education or a very watered down version.

Also, these states tend to have less effective sex education classes (i.e. abstinence-only) due to pressure from Conservative Christians.