The Wall Street Journal

Sunday, October 04, 2009


In the spring of this year, Carol brought home a bag of apples from the grocery. I have never been a big fan of uncooked apples and rarely ate one. But for some reason (there probably wasn't anything else to eat in the house) I did this time and was instantly hooked. I don't know what kind it was, but it was crisp and sweet and started me on an apple kick.

Since then, I've become something of an apple connoisseur. I've tried pretty much everything at the local supermarkets and whenever I have a chance to try a new variety, I do. I've had Fuji, Gala, Royal Gala, McIntosh, Red Delicious, Braeburn, Golden Crisp, Golden Delicious, Granny Smith, and certainly a few more I'm forgetting. My favorite is the Braeburn which is very crisp and sweet. I eat about an apple a day (though I've continued seeing the doctor).

I was reading an excellent post at EXUrbanPedestrian the other day wherein she mentions her discovery of an awesome apple, the Honeycrisp. I've had Honeycrisps and they are quite good. They are also quite huge. We're talking grapefruit sized.

I've been meaning to post these pics and XUP's post served as a reminder and a perfect excuse. I bought this monster at the weekly Farmer's Market near my work a couple of weeks ago. The apples were $2.69 a pound and this thing cost more than $2.69. It was so big it was hard for me to get my teeth into it. It is truly the king of the apples.

That's a big apple. (And the one on the left is big too.)


ahtitan said...

When the Honeycrisps are in season here, it's quite the big deal. Best sweet apple I've ever had. I normally prefer Granny Smith, but the Honeycrisp is awesome.

Anonymous said...

Yikes! The Honeycrisps I buy are organic and not at all huge. They're nice and small -just the right size for an after lunch snack. Nice to find you again!