The Wall Street Journal

Wednesday, October 07, 2009

Lady Gaga

Lady Gaga, a "newish" pop artist has been in the news a lot lately since she has a hot album out and was touring with the infamous Kanye West until he canceled his part of the tour. I like her first single, "Poker Face," even though I HATE stuttering alliteration in music, especially stuttering that involves the "P' sound.

She appeared on Saturday Night Live last weekend and took part in a couple of skits, one of which played her off Madonna, suggesting that maybe she's Madonna's successor. She certainly has the same confidence and ability to market herself as Madonna.

But one thing her two musical performances on SNL proved, she has talent. You might not like her style of music, her bizarre costuming or her flamboyance, but she can really sing.

Here's a link to her second performance which was a medley of her songs. And here's her first.

I don't usually watch much of the musical performances on SNL but I watched both of these all the way through.

1 comment:

ahtitan said...

I, too, harbor an affinity for Lady Gaga, to my eldest's chagrin. My youngest likes her, and we got her the cd for her birthday. Disco Stick reference notwithstanding. And yes, she does have a great voice.