The Wall Street Journal

Monday, May 10, 2010

Life happens fast and furious

Of course there's lots of stuff going on in the world and I don't have time to blog about it. Urk.

We were running around all weekend, gaming with friends, meeting friends at El Mariachi restaurant (mmmm good), and going out as a family to the National Harbor for Mother's Day.  We ate at Grace's Mandarin, did some shopping and checked out the Gaylord Resort (heh heh heh).

On Saturday, my nephew, Trenton, became the second person in my family (after me) to graduate from college.  Meanwhile, Rachel's boyfriend fell down the stairs, hurt his leg and ended up in the hospital. 

Tonight, I sent out my final prototype game for blind playtesting and I have a ton of work projects going on.

And no end in sight.

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