Sunday, May 02, 2010

Spill, Baby, Spill!

Drill, Baby, Drill doesn't seem like such a good idea now, does it?



Eric Haas said...

On the other hand, none of the alternatives seem all that great, either.

Ipecac said...

The only solution is to significantly reduce the use of fossil fuels. Electric cars, other means of power. Expensive in the short term, but clearly the only way we ever get this monkey off our back.

Eric Haas said...

Electric cars don’t really solve the problem because you still have to generate the electricity somehow. And every source of energy has its own drawbacks.

Ipecac said...

Well, you're Mr. Cheerful. :-)

In any event, we know at least that oil isn't sustainable long-term. There just isn't enough of it.

We either find other ways or we lose civilization.

Eric Haas said...

I am somewhat pessimistic about this because what I feel are the best options aren’t even being discussed.

Ipecac said...

Well? Don't leave us hanging.

Eric Haas said...

Well, geothermal, for example. Geothermal has low emissions, takes up less land per kilowatt generated than any other power source, is extremely reliable, is practically inexhaustible and relies on technology already available. The biggest downside is the high upfront cost: you have to drill down three or four miles to put a plant in an area that is not geologically active.

Or thorium to uranium breeder reactors. Thorium is much more common than uranium, and while it isn't fissile, Th-232 can be bred to U-233, which is fissile. The uranium only exists in gaseous form, and the reactor is never shut down for refueling, so the material can’t be used for weapons. All of the thorium and fissile uranium is consumed, and the resulting waste (non-fissile) uranium and plutonium is much safer to handle than the waste from conventional nuclear plants. The technology needed was successfully tested in the 1960s.

ahtitan said...

Why has no one mentioned Unobtanium?

Eric Haas said...

We were waiting for you to do it.