The Wall Street Journal

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

WTF is wrong with China?!?

What a horror.
The death toll from an attack at a kindergarten in northwestern China rose to nine Wednesday after one of the wounded victims died, state media said.

A man with a kitchen cleaver hacked to death a teacher and seven kindergarten students -- five boys and two girls. He then returned home and committed suicide, state media said.

It was at least the fourth such attack on school children in the last month.

Seriously.  I really want to know.

1 comment:

Marc said...

China has a lot of the problems that we have in terms of inequality and alienation, except worse. We at least have some semblance of responsive government--maybe too much at times. In China, many people have been left behind, the government pays no attention, and it has spawned lots of people going off the deep end looking for ways to strike back, sort of like the sniper here.

I think one thing we are finding all over the world is that unfettered economic development leaves as many losers as winners and creates extreme frustration and leads to horrific acts of violence. That's not to excuse what those people did, but the world has become increasingly unstable and people are lacking a sense of place and connection with others. I think that helps lead to things like this. China has real problems; even repression can't sweep this under the rug.