Monday, January 10, 2011

Sarah Palin is the lynchpin of all our hopes, apparently

"But please look into protection for your family. An attempt on you could bring the republic down."
-- Glenn Beck, giving advice to Sarah Palin in the aftermath of the Arizona shootings.

First reaction:  Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!

Second reaction:  If something did happen to Mama Grizzly, it just might spur some violent reaction from the radical right.  It wouldn’t bring down the republic, but it sure wouldn’t be pretty.

I don’t want anything to happen to Sarah Palin (other than her disappearing from the national stage), but geez, Glenn, get some perspective.

Edited to add:

Third reaction:  The United States survived the assassination of Abraham Lincoln, but Glenn doesn't think it will survive if even an attempt is made against Half-Governor Palin?  Bwahahahahahahahahahahaha!!

1 comment:

ahtitan said...

Don't say "lynch" around Glenn Beck; you'll give him ideas.