Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Sarah Sets Everything Right

Sarah Palin, after defending her “blood libel” gaffe on Sean Hannity’s show earlier this week, has finally decided that she was mistaken for using a charged term that refers to historically anti-Semitic lies in reference to accusations that her violent political imagery contributed to the Tucson shooting.

Said she:
“I would like to apologize for using the term blood libel in my video address last week.  After the lynching I have received at the hands of the media, I have shed a trail of tears in facing this holocaust.  I have used a visualization method, trying to imagine myself as an ethnic, cleansing myself of all prejudice.  My mistaken use of the term “blood libel” was in no way meant to disparage Jews and I hope this apology will be the final solution to this controversy.”


Al Penwasser said...

I don't think Sarah Palin is the monster a lot of people make her out to be. But, I do think she's a big dope who really should pay attention to what she says. I honestly think she has oatmeal for brains.
Because of this, there is no way on this planet I'd support her.

Eric Haas said...

What’s worse is, she doesn’t seem to have the slightest inclination to improve herself in that regard, like Ratbert in the comic strip Dilbert, "clueless and feeling good!"