Thursday, January 27, 2011

There's a whole big world out there and it's filled with murderous robots

The clip below is from the most expensive and highest grossing film in Indian history, Enthrian.  It's a bunch of clips so don't expect to follow the storyline but holy crap is this entertaining.  The action is insanely creative and it gets better and better.

The fact that the villainous robot looks like an old, fat Indian Elvis impersonator makes it even more awesome.


Eric Haas said...

If you search YouTube for Endhiran (the Tamil spelling), you can find some of the official trailers which show some scenes not in this clip, and you won’t have to suffer through that horrible Russian overdubbing. Also, Amazon has a couple of copies available with English subtitles.

Ipecac said...

I stopped noticing the Russian overdubbing after a few seconds. I was too much in WTF mode.