Thursday, February 17, 2011

Blackout leaks

I’m more than halfway through the News Blackout and my mental state is pretty good. My overall frustration level is way down as is my urge to kill.

Despite my best efforts, I have learned a few tidbits of news, mostly from inadvertent glances at newspapers as I walk by no less than forty newsstands each day and dozens of newspapers left lying on the Metro. I am still getting a decent amount of e-mail from friends with links to newspaper articles of interest but I’ve ignored them.

So, in the interest of full disclosure, here are the news items I’ve heard about during the blackout. Please note that I AM NOT inviting discussion of these items.

  • Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak has resigned.
  • CBS news correspondent Lara Logan was sexually assaulted by a large crowd in Egypt while covering the demonstrations.
  • Joe Biden is cheerleading for a new $50 billion high speed rail initiative.
  • Borders bookstores filed for bankruptcy and is closing a couple of hundred locations.
  • Republican Congressmen are still acting like spoiled, douchebaggy children.
Okay, I admit I’m just guessing on that last one.  I’m pretty sure it’s correct, though.

The above is all I know about these events.  For example, I know nothing of what happened in Egypt between Jan. 31 and Mubarak’s resignation or what has happened since.  To my delight, I know absolutely nothing of what Sarah Palin is up to.  The list represents the total news leakage up to day 17 of the Blackout.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think your blog has never been better! Please extend the blackout forever