Friday, March 04, 2011

I've missed the Onion

This is just hilarious.

Republicans Vote To Repeal Obama-Backed Bill That Would Destroy Asteroid Headed For Earth

Here's a taste.

WASHINGTON—In a strong rebuke of President Obama and his domestic agenda, all 242 House Republicans voted Wednesday to repeal the Asteroid Destruction and American Preservation Act, which was signed into law last year to destroy the immense asteroid currently hurtling toward Earth.

The $440 billion legislation, which would send a dozen high-thrust plasma impactor probes to shatter the massive asteroid before it strikes the planet, would affect more than 300 million Americans and is strongly opposed by the GOP.
 Read the whole thing.

1 comment:

ReptilianSamurai said...

Grrr... it lost my comment. Anyway. Thanks for sharing that article. I laughed. It's funny because it's true, if there really was a cataclysmic event like that, I'd hate to see how our current political parties would react to it. It would probably be pretty close to how the Onion describes it.