Over the past couple of days I've caught up on the news I missed. Happily, my head didn't actually explode (surprise!). I did learn a few things and was even surprised at a few.
So here are some thoughts on what has transpired:
KUDOS to - Egypt! Libyan rebels! Other Middle Eastern countries! Here's hoping Libya's revolution quickly turns as successful as Egypt's.
SHAME on - Charlie Sheen. Who else? And shame on several Governors for vilifying teachers and other public servants to further their political ambition.
BIGGEST SURPRISE - Rahm Emanuel, Mayor-elect of Chicago. Whoa.
THE WTF AWARD goes to - Wisconsin. Really, this is what happens when you elect an extreme right-wing idiot whose only goal is to further radical right causes and undercut the political power of his opponents. You reap what you sow.
But a KUDOS to - The Wisconsin protesters for standing up to the bullcrap.
THE COOL BEANS AWARD goes to - The successful final launch of the space shuttle, Discovery! Hooray!
THE THINGS NEVER CHANGE AWARD goes to - The Republican majority in Congress. Hypocrisy, arrogance and stupidity are a dangerous mix.
So that's it for the Incredible News Blackout of February, 2011. Maybe I'll do it again after my hospital stay for high blood pressure and a nervous breakdown. Here's to the future.
Yes, cudos to those protesters who have peacefully demonstrated, unfortunately there haven't been many of them. Im sure after you get more up to speed you will blog about their unruliness like you did with those idiot "teabaggers"
Got any evidence of the violence?
Or are you referring to the FOX News footage showing palm trees and short sleeve shirts in Wisconsin? Or possibly to GOP state Sen. Glenn Grothman who FOX News has been trying to make into a victim despite his insistence that "I don’t really feel that I ever felt threatened, but it was nice to had a lot of courteous people in that crowd in addition to the yelling people."
Obviously I haven't been seeing all the reports as they've been coming out, so show it if you've got it.
And while you're at it, please provide evidence that I have EVER posted about "teabagger" unruliness or violence.
I just searched my blog and couldn't find such a post.
The closest was this: http://taste-of-ipecac.blogspot.com/2010/07/only-25-violent-psychopaths-awesome.html
But that's just me quoting Rep. Speaker of the House John Boehner.
While you are at it, why not try using your name...or even a fake name.
Anonymous are a group of left wingers that you may not want to be associated with.
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