Every time a natural or man-made disaster strikes some area of the world, some conservative religious folk blame the devastation on God’s wrath over conduct they personally don’t like. Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson blamed 9/11 on secularists and Teh Gays, John Hagee blamed hurricane Katrina on Teh Gays, Muslim cleric Hojatoleslam Kazem Sedighi blames earthquakes on promiscuous women, and Glenn Beck recently suggested that God was punishing the Japanese for their lifestyle. I mean, who doesn’t enjoy using a horrible human tragedy for their personal political gains?
So with hundreds of Americans killed this week in the middle of the Bible belt, Alabama, Mississippi, Georgia, Tennessee, Virginia and Kentucky, I’m eagerly waiting to hear from these folk. I need to know what behavior God is punishing. Did He mete out his divine justice due to NASCAR? Higher per capita church attendance? Truck nuts? Gun ownership? Voting Republican? Personally, I can’t attribute natural disasters to any pissed off supernatural entity, so I have no idea who is to blame. Seems to me that this devastation is completely due to weather patterns; the severity of the storms increased by climate change. But that’s just what reality and science tell me. Of course, denial of climate change means that we’re not taking the steps that might mitigate these disasters in the future, but that’s just good old fashioned irony for ya.
So let’s hear from you, religious conservatives! We need to know who to blame and we need to know now! How else can we stir up hatred and ill-will against those we don’t like?
Truck nuts! I hate those vile things.
I put the blame on people not taking steps to prevent climate change. Environmentalist is not a bad word!
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