Fox and Friends Steve Doocy and his guest, Pastor Richard Jeffress bring us the word!
DOOCY: What do you think about the fact that this White House has never issued an official proclamation regarding Easter, which is one of Christianity’s most sacred holidays?
JEFFRESS: Steve, let’s look at what’s really going on here. On the one hand, we have a president who never met a Muslim holiday he didn’t like, or at least wasn’t willing to issue a proclamation for, and on the other hand, here he is refusing to acknowledge publicly the most important event in Christian faith, the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, and yet the White House is wondering why do 20 percent of Americans believe the president is a Muslim? Well as my kids would say, ‘Duh.’ I mean, it’s actions like these that really make people wonder what it is the president really believes.
That Easter hating Obama! That secret Muslim, definitely not a Christian, Kenyan!
And FOX didn't stop with this one instance of Obama outrage. There's a whole list here if you'd like to see the depths of FOX's coverage of this scandal.
Of course, George W. Bush never issued an "official proclamation" regarding Easter either. Neither did Bush the elder or patron saint of the Right, Ronald Reagan.
And Obama did celebrate Easter a little bit. ". . . Obama hosted an Easter prayer breakfast last week, attended a Christian church service on Sunday morning, and hosted the annual White House Easter Egg Roll yesterday." Link
In fact, at the Prayer Breakfast, the President said this:
I wanted to host this breakfast for a simple reason -- because as busy as we are, as many tasks as pile up, during this season, we are reminded that there's something about the resurrection -- something about the resurrection of our savior, Jesus Christ, that puts everything else in perspective.
We all live in the hustle and bustle of our work. And everybody in this room has weighty responsibilities, from leading churches and denominations, to helping to administer important government programs, to shaping our culture in various ways. And I admit that my plate has been full as well. (Laughter.) The inbox keeps on accumulating. (Laughter.)
But then comes Holy Week. The triumph of Palm Sunday. The humility of Jesus washing the disciples' feet. His slow march up that hill, and the pain and the scorn and the shame of the cross.
And we're reminded that in that moment, he took on the sins of the world -- past, present and future -- and he extended to us that unfathomable gift of grace and salvation through his death and resurrection.
Now I think it's completely inappropriate for the President to be saying such things at a public gathering, I threw up a little in my mouth just reading it, and it makes me think a little less of him, but it certainly puts the lie to FOX's propaganda, doesn't it?
FOX News, never letting actual facts get in the way of their Obama hatred!
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