Tuesday, April 05, 2011

Ode to a Coffee Mug

I’ve been using the same coffee mug for almost 20 years, a deep navy blue cup with a drawing of the Milky Way galaxy on one side and a descriptive paragraph of the galaxy on the other. I acquired it at the National Air & Space Museum and for the first years of its existence it tasted nothing but hot chocolate. Eventually I took up coffee and the mug has since tasted thousands of cups, as well as the occasional hot chocolate again.

Yesterday, I dropped the mug and it broke into many pieces.

And so, I offer this haiku:

Star-painted vessel
Container of liquid joy
Shattered like my heart

Farewell, old friend. You will always be the one mug of my life.

1 comment:

ahtitan said...

When we were kids, we had Santa mugs. Lots of people did/do. A mug in the shape of Santa's head. At some point in high school, my mom dropped mine. I was devastated. She got me a replacement, but it wasn't the same. I know your pain.