Thursday, April 14, 2011

The Truth About Taxes

In the modern United States, it's very difficult to know what to believe with regards to public policy.  Issues are so complicated, fact-intensive and often fluid, that the average person doesn't have the time or ability to really understand what's going on.  The Internet can be a help to understanding, but can also harm it because of the huge amount of unverified rumor and outright falsehood.

The debate over taxes is one of the biggest examples of this problem.  The TEA party was started on the premise that Americans are Taxed Enough Already while the evidence points to exactly the opposite.  Tax cuts for the rich, even in the face of the loss of programs that directly help the poor and middle class, are defended by the poor and middle class as if they were defending tax cuts for Jesus.  People are voting against their own best interests in favor of people who don't need any help whatsoever.

So what's the truth?  The following article explains it very clearly, with data to back it up.

9 Things the Rich Don't Want You to Know About Taxes.

Read it.  It's excellent and easy to understand.  Even if you disagree with it, you'll probably understand the arguments better.

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