by Euderion on DeviantArt

Friday, May 06, 2011

Birthers, meet Deathers. Or are you one in the same?

Over the past few days we’ve seen a burgeoning “Deather” movement whose adherents don’t believe that Osama Bin Laden is really dead.  Apparently they believe the Obama Administration is stupid enough to risk all their credibility on what would be an easily disproved lie; Osama would merely have to release a new video showing him holding a current newspaper and the Obama Administration would be fatally damaged.  But like the Birther movement, the Deathers aren’t exactly operating on a rational basis here.

Of course, they do have a natural ally.  Al Qaeda certainly would want to create the perception that Bin Laden is still alive and a threat, wouldn’t they?


Al-Qaeda has confirmed Osama bin Laden’s death in an Internet statement, The Associated Press reports.

The terror network says today in a statement that bin Laden’s blood “will not be wasted” and that it will continue attacking Americans and their allies.

So, Deathers, you have a choice here.  When you’re not even being as rational as frickin’ Al Qaeda, when they appear to be more reasonable, it may be time to reanalyze your core beliefs.  You should seriously considering stepping back a bit from the edge.

Just sayin’.


1 comment:

Eric Haas said...

No, that just proves that Obama is in league with the terrorists.