Monday, January 23, 2012

In which I watch movies with entirely too much backal nudity

For me, this was a weekend of chick flicks.

On Saturday, Rachel had some of her friends over and they brought a movie, 2011’s Friends with Benefits, starring the lovely Mila Kunis and the mega-talented Justin Timberlake. I watched the movie with them and found it surprisingly entertaining. The writing was clever and the dialogue sharp. The two leads are immensely appealing and while the plot was expectedly predictable, two friends decide they should have no-commitment sex because why not, and they fall in love, I enjoyed it. There was a little too much of Timberlake’s butt for my tastes and a good dose of simulated sex, definitely earning the R rating.

One of the plot points of the movie was that both main characters had mother issues. Timberlake’s mom had divorced his dad and disappeared a decade before and Kunis’ mom was a flightly hippie who wouldn’t tell her who her father was. After we saw the movie Rachel suggested that the movie had missed the boat on the most stunning plot twist of all time; Timberlake’s missing mom and Kunis’ mom should have turned out to be the same person, making Timberlake and Kunis brother and sister! (The remainder of the movie would just be Timberlake and Kunis vomiting over and over again.)

Such a twist would have been (a) awesome, (b) completely unexpected, (c) extremely shocking, and (d) awesome.

Last night, Carol, Rachel and I were looking for a movie to watch and they both wanted to watch 2003’s Love Actually. We downloaded the movie via DirecTV’s video-on-demand service. This is one of those movies, like the recent New Year’s Eve, which jumps back and forth between a dozen different storylines of romantic couples, love triangles, unrequited love and other rom-com plot variations. The movie stars pretty much everyone in England from Hugh Grant to Bill Nighy to Rowan Atkinson to Emma Thompson.

I wasn’t planning on watching the whole thing but it was entertaining enough to keep me around. Some stories worked better than others. I particularly enjoyed the subplot of a goofy young English guy who thought that the cure for his lack of success with women was to fly to Milwaukee and walk into any bar where his English accent would get him a woman. His success beyond his wildest dreams was pretty funny. I didn’t particularly enjoy the Martin Freeman subplot where he plays a stand-in for a porn star while the crew sets the lighting. I saw entirely too much of Martin Freeman’s butt, so much so that I’m rethinking seeing The Hobbit.

Now I need to watch me some Die Hard.


ahtitan said...

Was it weird for Rachel's friends to have you in the room for the sex scenes?

Ipecac said...

A little. But we've watched plenty of movies that have something like this. I just stay really quiet during those scenes.