Sunday, January 15, 2012

Once again, Newt thinks the laws don't apply to him

Republican Presidential candidate Newt Gingrich, in Sunday's FOX News Forum in South Carolina unloaded this whopper.
“I think an intelligent conservative wants the right federal employees delivering the right services in a highly efficient way and then wants to get rid of those folks who are in fact wasteful, or those folks who are ideologically so far to the left, or those people who want to frankly dictate to the rest of us,” Gingrich said in response to a question from a federal employee at the forum ."  Link
In addition to being explicitly illegal, such a move would be, at the risk of Godwinning this post, rather Nazi-esque.  I would hope no "intelligent" conservative would want the entire federal workforce employed at the whim of whatever party happened to be in power.  Of course, I'm no longer sure there is such a thing as an intelligent conservative, if the Republican Presidential candidates are their best and brightest.

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