Monday, January 23, 2012

Rick Santorum is a big fat coward

When someone stands up at a townhall meeting and spins delusional conspiracy theories about the President of the United States, the man you hope to be running against in the upcoming election, don’t you have a duty to set her straight? Isn’t that the honorable thing to do?

Not if you’re a coward like Rick Santorum. 
At a Rick Santorum town hall meeting in Lady Lake, Florida moments ago, a woman stood up to declare that she doesn’t like to refer to “President Obama as president because, legally, he is not.” While the audience gasped and clapped at the comment, Santorum restrained himself, refusing to utter a critical word.
The lady continued, Obama “totally ignores” the Constitution, prompting a nod of approval from Santorum. Then she went even further with her conspiracy rant:
He is an avowed Muslim. [applause] And my question is: why isn’t something being done to get him out of our government? He has no legal right to be calling himself President.
In an exemplary show of cowardice, Santorum did not tell the woman that she had her facts wrong or even bother to distance himself from the previous comments. Instead, he did the opposite, giving sanction to her views. “I’m doing my best to get him out” of office, Santorum said, “and you’re right about — he uniformly ignores the Constitution.” Link
Some leader.


ahtitan said...

Did you see the other article where Santorum defended his conviction that abortions should be illegal even after rape? When asked if his own daughter came to him, begging to get an abortion after a rape, he said that he would council her to accept the baby anyway as it was still a gift from God, even if the giving was broken.

What a fucking psycho.

Ipecac said...

Yes I did. Sadly, the day isn't long enough for me to post about every moronic thing these hateful douches say.