Thursday, February 16, 2012

The Party of Liberty and Freedom

The Republicans greet every initiative by the Obama Administration with doom and gloom pronouncements about how the President is moving America down a pathway to totalitarianism.  The most recent example is how a simple regulation requiring insurers to pay for birth control represents tyranny of the highest level and a war on religious freedom.  Of course it's all complete nonsense.

And then there's the things the Republicans do when they're in charge.
The Virginia House passed a bill 63-36 requiring that women who wish to have an abortion must submit to a "transvaginal ultrasound."
The ultrasound legislation would constitute an unprecedented government mandate to insert vaginal ultrasonic probes into women as part of a state-ordered effort to dissuade them from terminating pregnancies, legislative opponents noted.
"We're talking about inside a woman's body," Del. Charnielle Herring, a Democrat, said in an emotional floor speech. "This is the first time, if we pass this bill, that we will be dictating a medical procedure to a physician."
The conservative Family Foundation hailed the ultrasound measure as an "update" to the state's existing informed consent laws "with the most advanced medical technology available."  Link
Let's make this absolutely plain.  The Republicans are requiring doctors to perform an unnecessary, invasive medical procedure on a patient who is there to undergo another medical procedure that is perfectly legal.  The party that has lied about death panels and bureaucrats coming between patients and doctors is making it mandatory for women who have made a difficult and emotional choice about what's best for their lives to undergo an unwanted procedure.

This is beyond reprehensible.  It's clearly unconstitutional, of course.  But it's despicable and evil.

This is what you get when you elect right wing zealots who apparently lack all common decency and compassion and who will not hesitate to force their twisted "morality" on the rest of us.  This from the party of "small government" and "individual liberty" who constantly harp about government interference with their lives.  They would use the power of government to force women to undergo an invasive medical procedure.

This November we have to wipe them out of legislatures across this country to stop obscenities like this bill and to see that this never happens again.

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