Monday, February 06, 2012

Reality whacks another cool concept

On our last night in NYC, Carol, Rachel and I went out to a theatre store while Ben waited back at the hotel. At the store, I quizzed Rachel about what would happen if the three of us were shot and killed, and she correctly answered that Ben would become Batman.

She then threw cold water on the whole idea by pointing out that (1) Ben wasn’t with us as he would need to be were he to become the costumed vigilante, and (2) Carol and I weren’t wealthy philanthropists.

So, I guess it’s just as well that we weren’t shot and killed.


ahtitan said...

I don't think Ben's presence would be required. Perhaps if he discovered you after the fact? Or it might be enough to simply be told by the police, depending on his Rage attribute score.

Not having millions is a problem, though. No gadgets, and can't get to Tibet for the training.

Ipecac said...

Oh, I do declare. You, sir, have raised my hopes and then dashed them.

Note to self: Raise millions BEFORE being offed by brutal street thug.

ahtitan said...

He COULD, however, become Robin. Or Hawkeye, if he developed the skills. Or The Question. Or, if he found a suit, he could be Ragman...

ahtitan said...

Oooh! Or Punisher!