Thursday, February 23, 2012

You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.

In last night’s debate, to clarify his stance against “the dangers of contraception”, Presidential candidate Rick Santorum invoked racist writer Charles Murray and said this:

What I was talking about is, we have a society — Charles Murray just wrote a book about this and it’s on the front page of the New York Times two days ago — which is the increasing number of children being born out of wedlock in America, teens who are sexually active. What we’re seeing is a problem in our culture with respect the children being raised by children, children being raised out of wedlock, and the impact on society economically, the impact on society with respect to drug use and a host of other things, when children have children. And so, yes, I was talking about these very serious issues. and, in fact, as I mentioned before, two days ago on the front page of the New York Times, they’re talking about the same thing.  Link

So let me get this straight. The solution to out of wedlock births is to ban contraception?

I’m really wondering at this point if Santorum actually understands what contraception is or what it does.


Eric Haas said...

To fundamentalist evangelicals like Santorum, the world's problems are caused by man's depravity, and solutions like contraception are just band-aids that not only don't get at the root of the problem, but distract from what they see as the only real solution: bringing people to Jesus Christ.

Eric Haas said...

Oops, Santorum is actually a Catholic, but he’s still seems to be following that “depravity of man” thinking.

Ipecac said...

Santorum may as well be a fundamentalist evangelical. Despite their historic animosity they've entered an unholy alliance on social issues.