Sunday, March 11, 2012

Here's the ultimate test to see if you're a savvy subway rider

I've been riding the DC Metro to work for over twenty years.  (Sidenote, yes, I'm old).  I'm pretty savvy about the ways of Metro and on my commute I know exactly where to stand on the platform so I can move right into the train to claim a precious, precious seat.

So yesterday when I saw the SPDR commercial below, I smiled with recognition; I've seen this happen many times.  I've watched the door shufflers move back and forth as the train settles to a stop while I wait calmly in place to find myself standing right in front of the door.  Ha!  Pwned!

So as you take thirty seconds and watch the video below, you'll see this mildly humorous, common occurrence.  See if you can also spot the moment near the end that evaporated all my good feelings and had me screaming an obscenity at the TV.  No joke, I really did.

Here's the ad.

Did you catch that?

If not, watch it again.  I'll wait.

The scream-worthy part is when the clever, foresighted guy ends up right in front of the train door which opens in front of him.  He triumphantly steps in and turns around, BLOCKING THE F'ING DOORWAY!

When I saw that, I immediately shouted at the guy on TV "GET THE HELL OUT OF THE WAY!!"

I understand that it's a commercial and they want to show the protagonist happily claiming his prize at the end of the commercial.  I get that artistic choice.  But still.

Crime of the Century

Also, that train needs more doors.  Seems like a serious safety issue.

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