Sunday, March 25, 2012

I am (kind of) a Liebster Blog!

A couple of months ago, the very cool Steve Honeywell of 1001Plus recently awarded me the Liebster Blog Award.  It's a "pass-it-on" award to blogs with less than 200 followers.  I certainly qualify, and have never won any award for this stuff I write, so I was happy to get it.

The award comes with the following ‘rules’:

1 - thank your liebster blog award presenter on your blog.
2 - link back to the blogger who presented the award to you.
3 - copy/paste the blog award on your blog.
4 - present the liebster blog award to 5 blogs (with 200 followers or less).
5 - let them know they have been chosen by leaving a comment.

Unfortunately, while checking through the list of blogs I read, I couldn't find 5 blogs that had less than 200 followers.  I asked around and got a couple more candidates, but not enough that I can fulfill condition 4 above.  (One of the recommended blogs even stopped blogging after a friend recommended it!)  So, I'm just going to make some suggestions here but not pass on the award.

Please note that there are a couple of blogs in my bloglist that qualify, but that don't post enough for me to give the award.  I love you guys, but you need to post more often!

All that being said, here are a couple of suggestions.

Eric's Thoughts - This is the blog of my friend, Eric Haas.  He posts some news items, mostly related to atheism, but mainly he posts wonderful nature photos he takes from around the Maryland area.  Check them out.

Unreasonable Faith - Daniel Florien's blog doesn't really qualify since he has slightly more than 200 followers but since I'm not officially giving the award, that doesn't really matter.  Daniel is a former evangelical Christian who gave up his faith  the same way I did, by studying and using his mind.  This is one of my favorite blogs.

And finally, two more blogs that I enjoy, but who don't post much.

Same As It Ever Was by Volly.
On the Triple-Arrow Path by AHtitan.

Finally, another thank you to SJHoneywell and a recommendation that you check out his blog.  His blog is, "The story of one man's odyssey  of watching every movie ever contained in the "1001 Movies You Must See Before You Die" series."  His reviews are well-written and interesting.

Thanks, Steve!



Eric Haas said...

Thanks for the recommendation!

ahtitan said...

Yes, thanks! I'll try to write more often.