Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Diet Update - April 11

So I'm in the eleventh day of my diet.

Like probably most people, I've dieted on and off over the years, some times seriously, most times not.  Typically, the first week I easily drop five pounds.  I don't know how I do it, it just happens.  But this time it didn't.  After the first night, my weight actually increased!  (I had a big dinner.)  And my weight's fluctuated quite a lot up until a couple of days ago.

I'm down three pounds at the moment.  Not a lot, but what's good is that mentally, I'm in the zone.  I'm not snacking, not overeating, not feeling hungry and everything is going very well.  Here are a few of the things I'm doing.

  • I'm eating more slowly.  I tend to eat pretty quickly and when I'm done I feel disappointed. I'm not necessarily still hungry, but I eat more because I don't feel like I enjoyed the meal enough.  Since I started this diet, I've been very conscious of how long I'm taking to eat.  Slowing down is really helping me be satisfied when I'm done even though I'm eating a smaller meal than usual.
  • I'm only drinking water, one morning cup of coffee and the occasional glass of milk or orange juice.  I usually drink a lot of diet soda but I've given that up completely.  I have been drinking a ton of water.
  • When I crave something, I think through what it feels and tastes like to eat it.  For example, I've had hundreds of cheesesteaks in my life.  I know pretty well what the texture, smell and taste is and if I think about eating one for a minute, it actually helps the craving go away.
  • Carol has been helping by serving more salad and lighter fare for dinner.
  • I've been trying to walk more during lunch at work.  The other day I visited the Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial and all told walked about four miles around the National Mall.
So I think I'm on my way now.  If I can keep this up, once I hit a weight, I won't go above it again.

More (or less) to follow.


ahtitan said...

I have dieted many times in my life, and while I have had some success (Atkins, Slimfast), all have been temporary. I made a decision earlier this year that I wanted to live...and shop for pants in regular stores.

The difference this time is that it's not a diet. It's a lifestyle change. This isn't temporary, and I'm not stopping. I'm changing the way I eat for good. With occasional allowed cheat meals (every 3 weeks or so) so I don't go crazy, I've cut out fast food, fried food, and desserts, keeping my daily caloric intake around 1500.

As of today, two months after starting, I've lost 31 pounds. I'm not going back.

Ipecac said...

I am thrilled to hear that as I have a similar desire to see you live.

Great news! I hope it doesn't sound condescending to say I'm proud of you.