Monday, April 09, 2012

Dumbass of the Day!

Today’s winner is Wisconsin State Senator Glenn Grothman (R), who voted to repeal his state’s equal pay law last week. Why did he do that? Because money is more important for men.
Whatever gaps exist, he insists, stem from women’s decision to prioritize childrearing over their careers. “Take a hypothetical husband and wife who are both lawyers,” he says. “But the husband is working 50 or 60 hours a week, going all out, making 200 grand a year. The woman takes time off, raises kids, is not go go go. Now they’re 50 years old. The husband is making 200 grand a year, the woman is making 40 grand a year. It wasn’t discrimination. There was a different sense of urgency in each person.” [...]
Grothman doesn’t accept these studies. When I ran the numbers by him, he replied, “The American Association of University Women is a pretty liberal group.” Nor, he argued, does its conclusion take into account other factors, like “goals in life. You could argue that money is more important for men. I think a guy in their first job, maybe because they expect to be a breadwinner someday, may be a little more money-conscious. To attribute everything to a so-called bias in the workplace is just not true.” Link
See, ladies? It’s not because of bias that you’re paid less than men for doing the same job. It’s because you’re easily distracted by babies and other icky women stuff. And the fact that study after study shows gender bias in pay is only because those doing the studies are liberals! It’s not really true. But if it is true, it’s your own fault!

But there is NO Republican war on women. That’s the important thing to remember.

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