Friday, April 27, 2012

See what he did there?

The Republicans have been getting hit hard by the Democrats' emphasis on the unfairness of the American tax system.  Americans in overwhelming numbers don't feel the rich are paying their fair share while simultaneously the Republicans continue to propose budgets and tax schemes that would increase the burden on the poor and middle class while making it even easier on the rich.

But Mitt Romney, trying to pivot back to the center now that he has the nomination, has an idea:
"We will stop the unfairness of government workers getting better pay and benefits than the very taxpayers they serve," the former Massachusetts governor said.  Link
Some people might think this a promise to work for better pay and benefits for all Americans.  You know, bring all Americans up to a decent, livable wage.

I'm pretty sure Romney is promising to gut pay and benefits for government workers.  So don't worry if you can't afford a car or a nice place to live.  Romney will make sure government workers can't do that either.

Feel better?

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