Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Ain't it the truth?

The Republicans just formed a Women's Caucus in the House because they're absolutely not engaging in a war on women.  I mean, hello, women's caucus?  How can they be screwing with women's rights if they have a caucus?  Oh, and as a bonus, unlike the birth control hearing, this caucus actually has real women in it!

Anyway, Rep. Marsha Blackburn wants to make sure that people know that the Republican Women's Caucus is better than the 35 year old bipartisan Congressional Caucus for Women's Issues.  Because the Republican caucus knows what women care about.
“When I am back home visiting with women in my district, the number one concern I hear is that the uncertainty in Washington about regulation, litigation and taxation is hindering their ability to innovate and create jobs,” said [Rep. Marsha] Blackburn in a statement.  Link

I can't tell you how many times Carol has complained about over-regulation, litigation, and the oppressive taxation on the rich.  Don't get her started!  She hasn't been able to create one job!  And the uncertainty!  Oh, the uncertainty!  That drives her nuts!

She doesn't give a CRAP about women's health, access to birth control, protection from violence, retirement benefits, equal pay or any of that stupid stuff.  (Only women who play for the other team care about that nonsense, if you know what I mean.)

Anyway, good news about the new Caucus.  I'm sure the smokescreen will make it much easier for the House to take away more women's rights.  Oops!  Shhh.

There is no war on women.

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