Friday, May 04, 2012

Employment Status

As of April, there are now more private sector jobs in the United States than there were in January 2009, when President Obama took office. You read that right. We have now replaced all of the private sector jobs lost while Obama has been president. And that was no mean feat, given that over the course of 2009, the private sector shed about 4.2 million jobs.
Unfortunately, the news is not nearly so good when it comes to the public sector, where there are currently 607,000 fewer people working than there were when President Obama took office. Link
Get that? We’ve recovered all the private sector jobs. Unemployment is still high because we’ve cut and continue cutting public sector jobs. We’re cutting off firemen, policemen, teachers, public servants, regulators, inspectors, investigators. We’re hurting their families and losing the money that would be going back into the economy to stimulate further growth.

But don’t forget that Obama has vastly expanded the size and reach of government while simultaneously hurting private business with his socialist policies.

Except that he hasn’t.


Eric Haas said...

I assume you meant to say unemployment is still high. That’s not because of a loss of public sector jobs, however. 607,000 jobs only accounts for 0.4% of the labor pool.

Ipecac said...

Thanks. I corrected the typo.

The loss of public sector jobs has exacerbated and already big problem. I don't know if it's a 1/1 comparison but unemployment would be below 8% if we hadn't been firing the public sector workers.

Doing so also reduces services to those who need them most while economic conditions are bad.