Tuesday, June 26, 2012

I call Bullshit on this


Here’s Mitt Romney on President Obama’s recent decision not to deport children.


For two years, this President had huge majorities in the House and Senate – he was free to pursue any policy he pleased. But he did nothing to advance a permanent fix for our broken immigration system. Instead, he failed to act until facing a tough re-election and trying to secure your vote.  Link


Members of my own family have repeated this stupid, disingenuous and dishonest FOX News talking point.  Of course, given the existence of the Senate filibuster, which means that 41 Senators can stop ANYTHING, having a “huge majority” (unless it’s over 59 votes) in the Senate is meaningless.  In fact, the Senate and the House both had a majority in support of the Obama sponsored DREAM Act in 2010.  Why did it not pass?  Senate Republicans filibustered it.


So this is the bottom line.  For three years, Senate Republicans have filibustered initiative after initiative the President has sponsored (breaking all records for filibustering), and then blamed the President for not doing anything on those issues.  And too many Americans are too ignorant or partisan to understand this is even a problem with our democracy.


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