Friday, June 15, 2012

Well, that didn't take long

Rep. Allen West (R-Wingnut), conspiracy theorist, on today’s announcement that we won’t be shipping some brown children to other countries:
“I can start to ask questions about what is going to happen as far as their right to vote. Is this one of those backdoor opportunities to allow people in the next five months to get the opportunity to vote? Will we see Janet Napolitano and the president come out with a new edict that says ‘since we allow this people to be here legally, we’re now going to allow them to have the opportunity to vote?’… Why is it being done at this point in time? Why have we not allowed a national debate on this issue to really get a sense about what the American people feel?” Link
Of course, we have been debating this issue for some time, but why should that fact stop West when the rest of his statement is mired in fantasy?

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