Sunday, July 08, 2012

Do no evil

Mega-corporations have a great deal of power to change people's lives for the better, if only they would do so.  Walmart, for example, could instantly improve the lives of a couple of million people by dipping into a small part of its tens of billions of dollars in value and paying all of its employees a better wage, or offering all of them comprehensive healthcare.  But they don't, because the owners would rather sit on $60 billion in value that they'll never be able to spend.

Google, however, has decided to do something awesome; work to legalize same-sex marriage across the globe.
The “Legalize Love” campaign officially launches in Poland and Singapore on Saturday, July 7th. Google intends to eventually expand the initiative to every country where the company has an office, and will focus on places with homophobic cultures, where anti-gay laws exist.
Google’s Mark Palmer-Edgecumbe outlined the initiative at a Global LGBT Workplace Summit in London earlier today. “We want our employees who are gay or lesbian or transgender to have the same experience outside the office as they do in the office. It is obviously a very ambitious piece of work.  Their strategy involves developing partnerships between companies and organizations to support grass-roots campaigns.  Link
Way to go, Google!  That's being a good corporate neighbor and a force for good in the world.

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