Sunday, July 01, 2012

Hypocrisy update!

Do you remember a couple of months ago when gas prices were high and this happened?
Mitt Romney, March 18, 2012: “He gets full credit or blame for what’s happened in this economy, and what’s happened to gasoline prices under his watch, and what’s happened to our schools, and what’s happened to our military forces. All these things are his responsibility while he’s president.”
House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH), April 6, 2012: “The president holds the key to addressing the pain Ohioans are feeling at the gas pump and moving our nation away from its reliance on foreign energy. My question for the president is: what are you waiting for?”
Boehner, April 6, 2012: “The president’s own policies to date have made matters worse and driven up gas prices.”
Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY), Feb. 28 2012: “This President will go to any length to drive up gas prices and pave the way for his ideological agenda.”
Sen. John Barrasso (R-WY), March 13, 2012: Obama is “fully responsible for what the American public is paying for gasoline.”  Thinkprogress
Well, now gas prices are much lower and still dropping. In some areas, prices are below $3. Do you think these same guys are now giving the President credit?


Of course not! The reality is that the President can't do a whole lot to affect gas prices. It's a worldwide commodity and as demand in India and China are increasing, prices are going to tend to go up until we figure out a viable alternative fuel source.  It's as stupid to blame the President for gas prices as it is to give him credit.

Which suggests that the fine fellows above are being a little hypocritical, wouldn't you say?

And then there's global warming.  Do you remember how nearly every time it snows, some talking head on FOX News goes on about how global warming is a myth?

Here's a map of the recent heat wave, which set all-time record temperatures across North America.

Here's some explanation:
In a long-term trend that demonstrates the effects of a warming climate, daily record-high temperatures have recently been outpacing daily record-lows by an average of 2-to-1, and this imbalance is expected to grow as the climate continues to warm. According to a 2009 study, if the climate were not warming, this ratio would be expected to be even. Other studies have shown that climate change increases the odds of extreme heat events and may make them warmer and longer lasting.
Do you suppose the talking heads at FOX News are now revisiting their former comments about global warming?  Do you suppose that they're rethinking their opposition?


Thought not.

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