Saturday, July 07, 2012

Ridley Scott goes WOO!

I think Ridley Scott has lost it.

Rachel and I went to see Prometheus a couple of days ago.  We enjoyed it, but I had some problems with a few plot wrinkles.  Still, it was beautifully made and interesting.

Afterwards, I was reading the IMDB trivia tab on Prometheus and came across this:
According to Ridley Scott, the film's plot was inspired by Erich von Däniken's writings about ancient astronauts: "Both NASA and the Vatican agree that it is almost mathematically impossible that we can be where we are today, without there being a little help along the way. That's what we're looking at: we are talking about gods and engineers, engineers of space. Were the Aliens designed as a form of biological warfare, or biology that would go in and clean up a planet?"
Wait.  What?  

"NASA and the Vatican agree that it is almost mathematically impossible that we can be where we are today, without there being a little help along the way"?!?

I'm pretty sure that's pure, 100%, unfiltered bullcrap.  The Vatican may believe that we are only here "with a little help" (from God).  But NASA?  I'm certain that NASA is perfectly comfortable with us evolving on Earth without the aid of any kind of "help", whether from ancient aliens or supernatural intervention.

Sheesh, Ridley Scott.

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