Sunday, July 15, 2012

Romney, Release your returns

Unlike every other Presidential candidate for the last forty years, Mitt Romney won't release his tax returns.  He released one year, 2010, but has repeatedly refused to release any others.  This, of course, looks bad because it looks like he has something to hide.  And given how he stashes his money in off-shore tax shelters like the Cayman Islands, this is actually likely.

Many people, in the interest of full disclosure and transparency, have been calling on Romney to release at least ten years of returns for some time now.  Now, even Republican pundits are starting to do the same.

What if, as Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid opined the other day, Mitt Romney actually paid NO taxes for many of the ten years?  It's bad enough that the Republicans nominated a one-percenter in these days of obvious class warfare against the middle class and the poor.  But if he hasn't paid his share of taxes?

Hoo boy.

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