Tuesday, July 17, 2012

That's rich!

"We’re accused, by the way — in our party — of being the party of the rich," Romney said. "And it’s an awful moniker, because that’s just not true. We’re the party of people who want to get rich. And we’re also the party of people who want to care to help people from getting poor. We want to help the poor. – Mitt Romney
Yes! Finally, the truth comes out! The Republicans want to “help the poor”.

They want to help the poor by –

-- Cutting billions of dollars from food stamp programs
-- Raising taxes on those too poor to owe any income tax (so they have “skin in the game”)
-- Cutting back on unemployment insurance
-- Eliminating the estate and capital gains taxes (neither of which poor people pay)
-- Repealing affordable healthcare
-- Eliminating minimum wage laws
-- Not participating in the Federally funded state Medicaid expansion
-- Passing voter ID laws requiring people without ID to pay for ID or lose their vote
-- Drowning out their voices by allowing unlimited, undisclosed corporate campaign donations
-- Raising the retirement age and making people pay more towards their pensions
-- Hobbling or eliminating collective bargaining rights
-- Eliminating jobs in green industries like wind power
-- Eliminating family planning options, forcing people to have children they can’t afford

Yes, the Republicans are all about helping the poor.

So long as by “poor” you mean corporations and the already rich.

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