Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Data against the lies

As the Republicans make their own reality at their convention, here is some actual data to think about.  Take a long careful look at these.

First up, Florida's "voter fraud" initiative is having exactly the effect its creators want.  Remember, reduced voter registration for "those" people is a feature, not a bug.

At the convention, Republicans unveiled a "debt clock".  Let's take a moment to remember who really contributed to our debt, that spendaholic Obama!

And let's not forget this.  I can't imagine why we wouldn't want to give the rich an even bigger cut!

But it's okay, because Mitt Romney really loves the military.  The spending represented below will definitely solve our economic problems.  You know, the problems Republicans have been having seizures over since President Obama took office.

Lucky for the Republicans, in their world, math has a conservative bias.

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