Friday, August 17, 2012

Let's make sure it's a white male cabal as it always has been

Straight off his “hoodies are the reason people get shot” tour, FOX News commentator Geraldo Rivera tries to expose an insidious takeover of the Department of Homeland Security while appearing on FOX and Friends. Link

RIVERA: Is the sub-text of the Department of Homeland Security scandal that there is some kind of lesbian kabal, that it’s a same sex takeover. …It seems everyone is talking around it. Is that really what people are saying, that men are disadvantaged because women and specifically lesbians are ruling the roost there?

CARLSON: I don’t know about that last part.[...]

KILMEADE: We don’t know for sure. But it’s easy to come to that conclusion that there is some different type of glass ceiling separating the Homeland Security Department in this case.

RIVERA: No machos need apply?

Because all women with power are lesbians and they all hate men. Especially white men.

So we can add sexist, misogynistic and homophobic to Rivera’s resume, where they will join stupid and inane.

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