Wednesday, September 05, 2012

It lasted all of 24 hours

After the phenomenal first night of the Democratic convention, a night that went so well even conservative news outlets had to praise it, the Democrats decided to test out their newly grown spine.

Unfortunately, they lost it.

Today's "outrage" manufactured by Republicans is that the adopted Democratic platform doesn't mention the word "god".  Oh!  The horror!  This is a ridiculous nontroversy because (1) from 2000-2011, the Democratic platform mentioned god more times that the Republican platform, (2) the Democratic platform had an entire page on "faith", and (3) who gives a rat's ass?

Unfortunately, the Dems decided to do what they've done best over the past decade, cave to pressure.  Today, at the President's request, on a contested voice vote which elicited boos from the audience, they passed a new plank declaring Jerusalem the capitol of Israel and inserting the word "god" into the platform.
"I am here to attest and affirm that our faith and belief in God is central to the American story and informs the values we've expressed in our party's platform," Strickland, who chaired the party's platform committee, read. "In addition, President Obama recognizes Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and our party's platform should as well. "  Link
I have just one thing to say.  (Warning.  Harsh language ahead.)

Fuck that noise.

Let's hope this is the last cave for quite a while.

1 comment:

Eric Haas said...

All this noise over whether God is in the Democratic platform, but hardly a peep about all of the pro civil liberties language that disappeared since 2008.