A reminder of who they are

Monday, October 22, 2012

Undecided and dumb

This just baffles me.
I'm fiscally conservative and socially liberal. As I wait for the final presidential wrestling match Monday night, I'm three debates down, drowning in attack ads, and I still don't know who to vote for.
This is from a CNN article where Cat Castellanos, a young woman, talks about her undecided status, as in undecided which Presidential candidate to support.

President Obama is less of a rock star than he was four years ago. Still, in comparison to Mitt Romney, he's Aerosmith. I get the feeling that Obama has thought about the future of American youth and has made a clear effort to bring them into his cause.
Romney reminds me of everyone's embarrassing Grandpa Eddie, who thinks gays can be "turned" and doesn't understand why you can't roll down your windows on an airplane. His ultra-conservative lifestyle -- his adherence to his faith's ban on drinking, his tendency to say "shoot" and "darn it" -- tells us he's from another generation.
His now infamous "47%" confession didn't help. True, 47% of the nation wasn't going to vote for him anyway, but I don't want a president who thinks, "Half of you are worthless -- but choose me!" It's probably not the smartest political strategy to tell people they are incapable and then ask them for their vote.
I'm the demographic Romney needs to win over: Young, female, undecided. My conservative side wants to like Mitt, but he's not making it easy. Don't tell me you're out of work and understand unemployment when you are worth $200 million and post-grads like me can't find a job. Don't say, "Planned Parenthood, we're going to get rid of that," like you're throwing out an old sofa. Planned Parenthood is not a "that."
Obama, my socially liberal side supports you, but what about the national debt? Hope and change were great slogans, but they are not plans. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice... Am I voting for you when I should know better?
The article is filled with reasons she should support President Obama and nothing that indicates she should support Romney. Her sole concern with the President seems to be the National Debt, which, if she did any research at all, she would find will continue to decrease under the President and explode under Romney. Romney wants a 20% across the board tax cut, fewer regulations and increased military spending, a disastrous recipe which got us into this hole in the first place when George Bush did it. Her line that “Hope and change” are “not plans” is just disingenuous, given that the President has a rather substantial record of actual policies, goals, and accomplishments over the past four years. 

If she is willing to roll back the clock on all the social issues she seems to care about, including gay rights, women’s health, and the future of youth in America in favor of more tax cuts, cutting regulations and even more military spending, then Romney is her guy.

What I got out of this article is that Miss Castellanos is just not paying that much attention.

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