Monday, November 05, 2012

The election and why you should consider supporting President Obama

If the issues below are important to you, you should consider the accomplishments of the President when you vote.

The Economy
- The economy was in freefall when the President took office.  Now, all indicators are improving.
- Unemployment is below 8% and continuing down
- Net jobs are at a positive since the President took office
- The stock market has doubled in value
- Business profits are at an all time high
- Housing values are up, foreclosures are down
- Retail sales are up
- Deficit is going down each year
- Enacted Dodd-Frank Wall Street reform
- Created Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection
- Saved auto industry
- The President will work against increasing income inequality

Civil Rights for Women
- Mandated that insurers cover birth control at no cost
- Signed legislation making it easier for women to sue for wage discrimination (necessitated by a very conservative Supreme Court decision)
- The President supports your right to choose what to do with your own body
- Established White House Council on Women and Girls
- Thinks women are actually equal

Civil Rights for Minorities and Immigrants
- The Administration continues to fight against restrictive voter laws that primarily impact minorities
- Signed the UN Convention on the rights of persons with disabilities
- Stopped deportation proceedings against children brought into this country illegally

Civil Rights for LGBT Individuals
- Supported the repeal of Don't Ask, Don't Tell
- Extended federal benefits to same-sex partners of federal employees
- Supports same sex marriage
- Stopped defending DOMA in court
- Signed the Matthew Shepard and James Byrd, Jr. Hate Crimes Prevention Act

Foreign Affairs
- Ended Iraq War
- Established timeline for withdrawal from Afghanistan
- Supported successful Libyan overthrow of Gaddafi without a single American life lost
- Nuclear Arms agreement with Russia
- Enacted toughest ever sanctions against Iran
- World opinion of US has "improved sharply"
- Israeli leaders very satisfied with Administration's support
- Killed Osama Bin Laden and many other Al Qaeda leaders

Supreme Court
- Appointed two well-respected progressive Justices

Medicare, Social Security and Medicaid

- Passed health care reform
- Extended solvency of Medicare
- Reduced costs to Medicare
- Expanded access to Medicaid
- Committed to keeping Social Security as is

John McCain would have done virtually NONE of these things had he been elected and the Republicans opposed nearly every one.  If elected, Mitt Romney will work hard to undo as many of them as he can.

The choice is clear.  If you believe these achievements are important and shouldn't be repealed, vote for the President and a Democratic congress.

(And if none of these reasons convinces you, the fact that the next President will likely appoint two new Supreme Court Justices should.  Do we want more Citizens United Decisions?)

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