Friday, November 09, 2012

Some heartfelt advice to conservatives

A popular topic this week is how conservatives throughout America have been absolutely gobsmacked by the election.  There are stories in social media and the papers about Romney supporters completely caught off guard by the results.  Many Republicans appear to have been totally unprepared for their loss.

Which I find incredible, because it was perfectly predictable.

I read multiple news sources every day.  I read the AP feed, CNN, The Washington Post, HuffPo, ThinkProgress, DailyKos, and even FOX News (website, not the network).  I am well informed from multiple sources about what's happening in the world.  And going into Tuesday's election, it was clear that the President was leading in enough states to take him over 300 electoral votes.  Even after Romney's bounce after the first debate, the high point of his campaign, President Obama was never losing.  So when the President won, I wasn't the least bit surprised.

You know who was surprised?  FOX News viewers.

FOX News viewers were told countless times by FOX News personalities that Romney had the election locked up.  They were told that the polls showing an Obama lead were skewed.  They were told that minority turnout would be low.  They were assured time and again that Romney would win the Presidency.

FOX News pundits all predicted a big Romney win.  Bill O'Reilly, Stuart Varney, Steve Doocy, Charles Krauthammer, George Will, Sean Hannity, Sarah Palin, Karl Rove and Dick Morris all predicted a huge win for Romney and the Republicans.  And they were all very, very wrong.  (Dick Morris said it was going to be a Romney landslide with him winning 325 electoral votes.  When Obama won with 332 electoral votes, Morris not surprisingly said it was a "squeaker".)

Why is that?  How could they be so wrong?

Because FOX News is not an objective news source.  They're a mouthpiece for the Republican party and as such couldn't say that Romney was going to lose.  So they lied.  They misled millions of their viewers who are now inconsolably shocked that their guy didn't win.  (What's really amazing is that the talking heads at FOX may have actually bought their own line of crap and are as shell-shocked as anyone.)

So here's some heartfelt advice for conservatives.  Turn off FOX News for a change.  Check out some other media sources.  Don't try out more conservative channels, they'll just ratchet the propaganda even higher.  Check out some of the mainstream media, CNN, The New York Times, The Washington Post.  You may think they have a liberal bias, but that's actually just reality.

If all your heroes at FOX were this wrong, it should ring some bells.  It should cause some self-examination. If not, then you won't learn anything and you're bound to be disappointed the next time reality smacks you in the head.

Or would you rather continue to watch FOX News and be lied to?

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