Monday, November 05, 2012

Three Card Monte

Millions of Republicans are about to vote for a man that a sizable minority of them, if not a majority, believe belongs to a cult. But in the Bizarro world of Republican politics, voting for the Christian (the President) is an attack on Judeo-Christian values, while voting for the cult guy is supporting those values.
Republican vice presidential nominee Paul Ryan told a group of Evangelical Christians Sunday that President Obama's plans threaten "Judeo-Christian values" — a dramatic charge aimed at the Republican base, and delivered during a conference call that did not appear on his public schedule.

In his remarks to what organizers said were tens of thousands of members of the Faith and Freedom Coalition, Ryan said that President Barack Obama's path for the next four years is a "dangerous" one.

"[It is] a path that compromises those values — those Judeo-Christian values that made us a great nation in the first place," he said, referring to religious liberty and Obamacare. Link
Can you imagine the outrage if the President was a Mormon? Or an atheist? It’s a strong testament to their hatred of the President that they’d rather vote for a cult guy than a fellow Christian.

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