Sunday, January 27, 2013


Our XBOX Live account is suspended this week by Microsoft. Ben put a "dirty word" (rhymes with witches) in his XBOX bio motto and they suspended our account for violation of the code of conduct. I suppose Ben got the quote from a song or Family Guy (ugh) as he doesn't use the word. Ben was gone for most of the weekend so I wasn't able to play Black Ops II online. The suspension also cuts us off from Netflix on our TV.

On the scale of conduct violations, this was pretty minor. I'm somewhat annoyed that XBOX would suspend our PAID account without a warning or prior contact. But in the scope of human problems, this is pretty minor.


SJHoneywell said...

The Roku box is your friend. That is all.

Ipecac said...

I seriously considered it this weekend.

Ipecac said...

Okay, you talked me into it. We're getting a Roku box. :-)

We don't need one in the living room because of the XBOX and DirecTV, but we could use some connectivity on the bedroom TV.

Thanks for suggesting it.