Tuesday, January 22, 2013

U.S. Senate - Pass filibuster reform now!

The single most important thing that can happen to fix the ridiculously dysfunctional Senate is to pass filibuster reform. The Republicans have used the filibuster at historic levels in order to stop any forward progress in America. They don't care that they hurt the economy. They don't care that they hurt people. They just want to stop the President and will trample everything in their path to do so.

They've done this for four years and it's time that it stopped. It's time for majority rule to return to the Senate.

Unfortunately, reform depends on the spines of the top Democrats in the Senate and too many of them are wavering. They want a "bipartisan" solution, even though the current Republicans are never bipartisan. They're worried that one day they'll be back in the minority and they'll want to filibuster. They're worried that they'll look partisan and that the Republicans will scream bloody murder.

I say, so what? Grow the hell up and do what needs to be done. The Republicans will scream bloody murder whatever you do. Haven't you figured that out yet? And if you actually govern and help the country, the Republicans will never be back in the majority. So stop the madness now.

This will all come to a head in the next 36 hours. We'll know if we'll have a functional government body capable of leading or more of the same crap we've had for the last four years.

Reform the filibuster NOW!

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