Thursday, March 07, 2013

In which I break something important

Yesterday (Tuesday) I was sitting at my desk and decided to have a delightful treat, one of the Wint-O-Green Lifesavers in the glass coffee mug on my desk. After a few seconds of refreshing flavor, I bit down on the mint. Then, as I started to chew, I bit down on something hard, harder than a Lifesaver could ever be. I moved my tongue around a bit and spit out a piece of tooth.  Urgh.

I basically shattered one of my upper bicuspids, losing a good chunk of it. I'll probably need a crown. Fortunately, I'm not in any pain.

I'm not happy with it, but putting it into perspective, this unexpected cost won't bankrupt us. We won't lose our house or have to forego any debts. I know hard-working Americans who would have to forego getting it fixed because of the expense. That shouldn't be.

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