Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Dear Senator Lindsey Graham

You are a COMPLETE asshat for saying this about the Boston bombing suspect:
"Here's what we're suggesting, that the surviving suspect -- due to the ties that these two have to radical Islamic thought and the ties to Chechnya, one of most radical countries in the world -- that the president declare preliminarily that the evidence suggests that this man should be treated as an enemy combatant. . . We could hold him for a period of time, we could question him without a lawyer, and none of the evidence could be used against him in the criminal proceeding . . . But that's the best way to gather intelligence."  Link
(And by "we" he means himself, other conservative legislators, and much of the right wing media.)

I don't know what country you think you live in, Senator Graham, but this is America. The suspect is an American citizen and entitled to every protection the Constitution affords. That's why we have a Constitution, dipshit, to prevent fascist assholes from torturing people and depriving them of their inalienable human rights. The Constitution protects all of us and when you start depriving people of those protections, you start depriving all of us.

It sure seems like this kid is guilty of murder and a whole bunch of other crimes, but that's why we have a very capable criminal justice system who have apprehended him and will now prosecute him.

So stop calling for torture and ignoring the Constitution, assmunch.



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