Thursday, April 04, 2013

My prom was in 1983 and it was integrated

Someone remind me what century this is.
Four students at Wilcox County High School in Georgia want to attend prom together — but under the current setup, they won’t be allowed to unless they throw their own. Wilcox County High School’s proms are still segregated by race, meaning Stephanie Sinnot, Mareshia Rucker, Quanesha Wallace, and Keela Bloodworth — half of whom are black and half of whom are white — would be forced to attend separate proms:
Stephanie and Keela are white and Mareshia and Quanesha are black. They’re seniors at Wilcox County High School, a school that has never held an integrated prom during its existence.
“There’s a white prom and there’s an integrated prom,” said Keela.
The rule is strictly enforced, any race other than Caucasian wouldn’t dare to attend the white prom.
“They would probably have the police come out there and escort them off the premises,” said Keela. That was the case just last year as a biracial student was turned away by police.
There will still be two proms this year. Neither proms are financed by or allowed to take place at Wilcox County High School. The students said that when they pushed for one prom, the school offered a resolution to permit an integrated prom that would allow all students to attend but not stop segregated proms.  Link

What kind of dumbass adults would perpetuate this outrage? Oh, right, racist conservatives. I don't mean to get all political because this isn't an obviously political situation, but what are the odds that liberals are behind a segregated prom? Not very likely.

Jesus Christ on a pogo stick is this stupid.


SJHoneywell said...

I saw this. It's worth noting that the school does not sponsor a prom at all, which means that the white-only event is sponsored by private citizens. It makes it marginally better that it's not a school-sanctioned event, but it's still damned ugly.

It's also heartening that the school's website is supporting these kids completely.

Ipecac said...

Yeah, it would be illegal if it was an official school prom so they found a way around that.

Very glad to hear the school is supportive.