Monday, April 15, 2013

When asked if you are in favor of integration, the correct answer is YES

Georgia Governor Nathan Deal (R) was asked to publicly support the integration of the prom in Wilcox County because it’s still segregated in the 21st century and WTF? The Governor, apparently, would rather be on the record as opposing integration.
Gov. Nathan Deal won’t take sides in the controversy over some Wilcox County teens’ efforts to integrate their prom.

By email, his spokesman, Brian Robinson, said Deal would have no response to a liberal group’s call for state officials, including the governor to speak out.

He wrote, “This is a leftist front group for the state Democratic party and we’re not going to lend a hand to their silly publicity stunt.”

Better Georgia asked Deal and others “to publicly support the students of Wilcox County who are fighting to end a ‘separate-but-equal’ high school prom.” Link
Yes, ending segregation is a “silly little publicity stunt”. The quality of American politicians on the Right, continues to impress.

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